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drop-off your food scraps to be turned into compost?



1. Learn about this resource. 

Residents can bring their food waste to a location near them on weekends. Food waste, like fruit and vegetable scraps, can be broken down into compost. Compost is rich in nutrients and can be added to soil as a fertilizer to help with gardening and farming. We—DC Government—collect your compostable food waste at 12 locations across the District and compost it for you. This program can help if you can’t or don’t want to compost at your home, but you still want to reduce your food waste.


This program is called Food Waste Drop-Off and is offered by the DC Department of Public Works.


2. Check if you are eligible.

You may be eligible if you live in DC.


We don't accept commercial compost.​

This resource is provided by:

Keywords: compost drop-off, farmers' markets, reduce food waste, composting, renters, homeowners, sustainability, conservation


This page was last updated July 2023.


Food Waste Translations
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